Sunday 7 July 2013

ORGANIC Defined- Fiji Context

A few days ago  I called up a market master asking if I can join the market with my organic produce, to my amaze I was thrown with the question, "What is That". This is a fact as both vendors and consumers are ill informed on the subject.

In Fiji the word organic is pretty foreign as it is not a daily word used in conversations. This is sad and reveals the state of understanding and use of organic produce. I wonder how many citizens of this country Fiji do take time to think of about what produce they buy for their meals. 

'Organic agriculture involves the principles of health, ecology, fairness and care to ensure we are producing food to satisfy our current and future needs'

AgroNet Fiji is committed to create awareness on the importance of having organic produce for our diets. Organic agriculture on the other end is thus not a common practice here in Fiji. Traditional farmers might claim that they practice it but maybe part of it is organic and its incomplete in the sense that compost making is not seriously practiced.

Normally when a youth in Fiji drops out of the education system they either remain in urban centers or return to their villages where the elders will direct them to farm the land. With great enthusiasm the youths put in an effort to farm but at times poor soil fertility drives them away and confidence is lost.

If only they undergo a training on organic agriculture then they will be in a better position to succeed. This is a challenge on AgroNet Fiji to fully create its model farm in Naitasiri so that youths will be able to be trained on organic agriculture. At the end of 2013 the model farm should be ready for training purposes for the Central Division.

One socio-economic problem faced here is glue sniffing and its getting worse as females are also indulging in this deadly practice. Upon research glue sniffing is common in war torn areas of the world and I wonder how it has been introduced to Fiji. Urban drift is also a problem as here in Fiji and with introduction of organic farming Youths who are currently idle will be more productive and contribute to food supply. When Youths are idle they will wonder and be a thorn in society, so with agriculture there is hope. They can feed themselves and also earn a living making agriculture their profession.

So it is not only growing more food, but also reducing rural-urban drift and have positive impacts on a number of socio-economic problems herein Fiji.

To lure Youths into agriculture is another mammoth task but it depends on what approach we take. Fiji youths most of  all have Facebook accounts so they are active on the social media so that's good  to start with, at least they are in the thick of it.

Agricultural development depends on innovation. Innovation is a major source of improved productivity, competitiveness, and economic growth throughout advanced and emerging economies, and plays an important role in creating jobs, generating income, alleviating poverty, and driving social development. If farmers, agribusinesses, and even nations are to cope, compete, and thrive in the midst of changes in agriculture and economy, they must innovate continuously.
- The World Bank on Agriculture Innovation Systems (AIS)
I for sure believe that the use of social media and other we tools will be of great interest to the Youths of Fiji to engage in Organic Agriculture.
This initiative launched by AgroNet Fiji will see the awareness and practice of good farming techniques in the future and also market access to farmers. All we need is support from relevant stakeholders so that our vision can be manifested thus contribute to human development. 


Unknown said...

I think that in terms of understanding the importance and uniqueness of ORGANIC PRODUCTION, an awareness campaign should be developed and implemented. This can be through this type of forum or through village awareness, as the organic farming techniques were being employed by our forefathers and villagers are mastery in that. They just needs focusing and knowledge on the market dependency to that qualities of organic products.


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