Monday 29 July 2013

Right Ingredients

Last week I tried some organic pesticide recipes for ants that where attacking my long bean. I resorted to using baking soda mix which is baking soda, cooking oil, soap. I was researching the web for other recipes but was comfortable with the baking soda as the ingredients are readily available.

 I was quick in preparing the insecticide and spayed them on the plants exactly where the ants were infesting. When applying the mixture though spaying the ants were disturbed and on inspection the next day found that its was effective. I was pretty happy with the result and started boasting it with my wife Mel. While I was talking over the mixture I realize that instead of using baking soda I had baking power. Could not stop laughing over this mistake.

In fact I was somewhat lucky as the plants were not affected by the incorrect ingredients which was applied. I was worried about the plant health but daily I have observed that growth has not been halted but will have to wait for the fruits to see if damage has been done, hopefully nothing of that sort happens.

Its is very important to note the ingredients used are correct as if not they might have a drastic effect on the plant.


Unknown said...

What are the economical ingredients for pesticides that we obviously don't know??


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