Saturday 29 June 2013

Fiji Experience

Plants Need Balanced Nutrients
The deterioration of Soil fertility has been caused by factors in such as, climate change, use of synthetic fertilizer and poor farming practical techniques. Synthetic fertilizers (SF) are quick solutions for farmers to achieve a better yield so as to cover cost of planting and return a margin. Applying SF disrupts the natural Eco-system in the soil leading to a nutrient imbalance absorbed by plants.

In real terms from my experience  our yield in produce has been deteriorating due to poor nutrient content of the soil. For the long term, synthetic fertilizers are very harmful to the natural ecosystem of soil micro-organisms who do the balancing of nutrients. The practice of using synthetic fertilizers is costly and is harmful to the environment and humans. Also the uses of SF can be driven by the demand in the market to avoid shortage in supply and human hunger is contained. In fact there are downsides to this as mentioned above.

Organic Manure is the Solution
I am currently practicing good soil management which is low tillage and using compost or organic manure to fertilize our produce. The reason for change is that ethically it is wrong to be using chemical indirectly on humans for the sake of making money. We have a lot of cases of mass production of vegetables and root crops in Fiji where consumers are left uninformed on the effects of such practice. In Fiji, distinguishing organic and non-organic produce at a local market would not be possible as all are sold at the same price.

Through our network of small holder farmers we are advocating for organic so consumers are not lured by greenly vegetables who are boosted by SF. They do look fresh and healthy but to take closer attention on the produce through lab tests would be something interesting.

The benefits of Organic manure is by far the best mode of practice for young and aspiring farmers who would like to make a future in agriculture. Composting outweighs the use of SF because of the following reasons:
Why Compost??

  1. It has a balanced nutrient supply
  2. It is cheap as most materials are readily available
  3. Does not harm the natural ecosystem
  4. Environmentally friendly
  5. Good for plant uptake, absorbent
  6. Sustainability
Farming in Fiji are regarded as a low class for a profession as only school dropouts fit into. At first these Youths have confidence to start up farms but normally they plant the usual taro and cassava which takes time for harvest. Added to this is the cost of fertilizer, weedicides and pesticides and these has a deterrent effect and loss of confidence to continue farming. Little do they realize that these can be home made  organically at a very minimal cost. If you need any recipes please subscribe to our mailing list to get a copy.

When these Youths leave agriculture they tend to drift to urban centers attracted to the lifestyle and to seek opportunities. Well and good some as they find odd jobs but others are more likely to indulge in illegal activities to support themselves. Glue sniffing is a rising problem in Fiji and it will harm the current generation if we don't act collectively towards advocacy on agriculture.

A challenge is out there to try and get Youths occupied so they are not vulnerable to social distractions and exploited, so as to have a future for themselves.

The three factors of production to any economy are Land, Labor, and Capital. For a farmer to go organic the probability of success is high due to the availability of resources for a start.

Yes there is hope in Agriculture!!

Why not become your own boss!!



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