Thursday 18 July 2013

Enemy of Farmers- ButterFly

One will be able to mention a range of enemies which you fight and conquer all the time, but some will be left unswayed if your attention in detail is not thorough. When we speak of enemies its those species, humans, disasters that invade your ground and destroying your health and wealth. So its not about war in the battlefield only but in your daily lives where you tactically try to control them and overcome the threat they pose.

Farmers face a lot of enemies that attack their plantations and they are insects and pests which thrive feeding on leaves or fruits. This week a came across one enemy which I will name it the 'CATPEST' a caterpillar which we farmers struggle daily to try and minimize its attack on our produce. We admire a butterfly when its flies by but what it does is ruinous.

This week while we where harvesting tomatoes from a members farm, concurrently I was inspecting the fruits to try and scout for any enemy activity on them and I found a few of this catpest working their way into the fruits and it was amazing how they managed that.

Below is a short video showing how the catpest is feeding inside a tomato fruit and the appearance of the tomatoes while they are inside doing their stuff. One thing to note is the fruit is looking nice and ripe but interesting to know why the fruit stays good looking all this time while the culprit is feasting on it. 

So when you plant you have to guard! Please do leave your comments on your views of this enemy of farmers!!




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