
AgroNet Fiji is a centrally based advocacy initiative to advocate for organic foods and farming practice in Fiji to provide healthy vegetables and fruits which are nutritious and low in chemical content.

A voice of smallholder farmers to the people to know that there are risks in buying agricultural produce without knowing the source of it and how it has been farmed. Also it is a information bank for farmers seeking advice on crops, production planning, markets, pricing, and anything relating to farming.

This initiative is a brainchild of Mr Andrew an organic farmer from Central Fiji trying to create the awareness of health risks linked to the use of synthetic fertilizers by farmers to produce high yields an unhinged cost to the people. The Bainimarama Government is promoting living healthy through eating green and fresh vegetables and fruits to counter and control non-communicable diseases (NCD's), little do we the public realize that not all vegetables sold to us are healthy as they appear.

There is indeed a health hazard associated with the use of such chemical from weedicides, insecticides, fungicides and pesticides as they are chemical compounds which are not only affecting humans but also the environment.

Our forefathers often practiced traditional farming skills which were susceptible to the environment to create a sustainable farming generations for Fiji. This trend was ambushed by the introduction of fast solutions by foreign farmers who now dominate the supply chain of vegetables, fruits and root crops in Fiji.

This blog is the beginning of a social enterprise to deal with this issue and will provide solutions to our people on produce which will be made available through our website (still under-construction).

If you would like to be part of this farmers voice, please subscribe through our email form.

The Organic of Confidence!



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