Monday 24 June 2013

African Tulip Weeds- USEFUL

In Fiji African Tulip grows wild and farmers like me face a mammoth task in trying to control and eradicate this weed species which thrives on dry fertile land. In Navuso where I farm, thousands of dollars have been spent to control the weed and also clearance for shifting cultivation.

My fellow brother and business partner Nod who owns the land where I farm got and idea last year to try and put to good use this weed. So he decided to rip them in 1 inches by 8-10 inches, was then air dried for a few days before it was dipped in loose engine oil for treatment. After this it was then air dried again before we used it for building purpose. The weed is now the floor for our farm houses and we will also be using it for other uses like table top for our nursery,etc.

Before the useful use of African Tulip is was ripped in blocks, piled up and we used tyres to burn them down. The reason for burning is that if any part of it touches the ground it grows again, oh what a hassle.

A report has been published by FAO on this problem here in Fiji and this document can be accessed on this link: .

So to you farmers who are facing this issues with the vigorous growth of African tulip, maybe try to use it for your farm houses or nurseries, well in fact surely wont last that long if compared to treated timber, but the cost analysis for small holder farmers, very cost effective.

Vinaka me vakavurevakasama!! Io E



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