Saturday 8 February 2014

Women start to do Organics!

Organic farm project

Luke Rawalai
Saturday, February 08, 2014
WOMEN of Korotubu in Macuata have embarked on an organic farming project funded by Global Environment Facility in conjunction with World Wide Fund for Nature.
Korotubu Village Soqosoqo Vakamarama head Emele Naikabe said they were using manure and byproducts from their village piggery to make an organic nursery farm.
Mrs Naikabe said vegetable seedlings and cuttings were often developed at the nursery before they were transplanted to farms in the village.
"This is a good way of promoting good health among our people through the food they eat," she said.
"At the same time we are recycling and reusing the byproducts of our piggery farm instead of polluting the environment.
"We the women's group in Korotubu believe that we can all work together for the conservation of our environment."
(Source: Fiji Times)



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