Friday 14 February 2014

Drain Maintenance Challenges Youths

In the Central Eastern part of Viti Levu, rain drops every day and then. For farmers rain assists us tremendously in irrigating crops but to only to an extent, when too much it causes alot of problems. Ploughing flat lands becomes hard and drains are waterlogged.

Within the area of Nausori a group of youths have been challenged with the water-logs in their farm fields causing rot to crops and its becomes breeding places for unwanted insects and pests. A youth member of this group who call the "Veitacini Farmers" named Masi was caught on camera cleaning the  problem drains.

Upon interview Masi mentioned that the issue with drains was just recent and it never used to bother them.
In the past year, government through the department of works used to dredge the Rewa river which runs close to their farm and this has stopped. There are no funds allocated by the government to cater for this vital works which has a correlating effect to farm fields. They have to resort to physical maintenance which is quite time consuming and demands alot of labor and energy.

This task will continue as they struggle with water until the dredging and drain maintenance will resume.



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