ICT training at all levels of society to support usage, innovation and buy-in are the missing element.The information bank in the web is undefined to its existence and the traffic and dissemination mediated overloads your inbox. Access to internet even increases the concern as we challenge the ICT revolution.
We see the awareness of social media at a minimal but Facebook usage for socializing exponentially grows. What will the future generation of Fiji use the mediums for? Current usage face alot of challenge and be discussed as the following.
The obstacles:
- access to internet and
- subject(intent) of its use
Fiji authorities has been in the efforts of the digital divide attack initiatives to help Fijians keep up globally. Even NGOs have joined the cue to try and partake in bridging the information gap with internet presence. Youths using social media currently need to join in partnership for development for a sustainable future. Internet providers providing service showcase profits from internet charged costs but contribution for community development through ICT is minimal.
Out a one country in the world, the Fiji flag portrays a count of agro produce to significantly show connection to agriculture. Agro participation from smallholder farmers and customers are limited and solutions providers need more action to address the digital divide.
Facebook's could be the top of the list and emails is priority areas.Urban population have the edge over who are Farmers based in the rural. More focus providers should consider government initiatives for Farmers. From experience a solution identified is smartphone provision to counter which in fact is happening but not to the targeted audience.
Recent published reports can be viewed on this link:
Vodafone Fiji 2012. So this significant highlights promotion of smartphone technology.
(Solution Provider)
As users of such mediums are more available Farmers must be part of provision and development. This has lead awareness programs provided by
SPC regional collaborating which is afoot including others not mentioned.
Smartphone Technology is a solution in the digital divide and governments campaigns are commendable giving regulatory leeway. Consolidating all parties in agro development must be included minimizing coverage time for audience.
Farmers produce have markets and there are intermediaries who complete the chain of markets. All players need to connect better so the other industry in our economy benefits. The impact and users network there is a hope youth of the Pacific will participates. As connectivity needs hype and the cost is another factor. There is need for program development to harness the need for connectivity of the rural community so some Farmers motives fulfilled.
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